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Nothing is ever enough. The era of lost people.

Writer: Evelyn Evelyn

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

On so many occasions, I have clients giving a short speech about what is going on in their lives. "I do not know what I want" and "nothing is enough to make me happy."

You might think that these two things are different; nonetheless, it turns out that both are the faces of the same coin.

Possibly the first thing that pops into your mind is the idea of ​​existential emptiness. I continuously say to my clients that, unfortunately, there is always a place inside us void because there are always things we can not explain. There always will be something without reason. It is hard, but this is a fact that we need to accept. However, beyond this rest of the emptiness always left. There are times when the void is such that we can not see through and makes us want to run away, escape somewhere safe or, as some of you say, "somewhere else to find an answer ". Another fact is, whatever you are looking for is unlikely far; it is very probable inside you.

The void inside comes up many times from an absence of identity and knowledge about ourselves. That also includes our past experiences in life that design the way we are now, that one that you often do not recognize or do not like. One of the most challenging experiences in life is to find out who we are.

Most people who feel this emptiness try to avoid confronting this part of the truth. "I'd rather not talk about my past", there are those who lost someone they cared about "it is too painful to talk about them" because they took part of me with their departure. You know what happens when an injury is not treated appropriately. Complications, right? The same happens with our emotional wounds. We evade approaching them due to our fears of pain. Cleaning a wound is always painful. Therefore, we try hard to avoid them, creating a hole inside lacking explanations and healing. Then we also try to fill the vacuum with things. We change the exterior, by probably how we look, buying whatever something we see, believing that it will make us happy. Still, nothing is enough and the hollow grows and grows. It seems like this is never going to stop.

We are beings that need meaning and sense. There is so much confusion, misunderstanding, and lack of answers in our life that it is not surprising that we come across so much emptiness. However, despite the sad news, there is a clue. By reviewing your life, checking what is missing, what your life has been lacking, or what incorrect beliefs you carry with you, you will begin to rebuild your inner self that looks so weak today and empty. To do that, you will need courage and decision.

Let's have a look at the other side of this coin.

It seems to be that this era has generated many lost people, no matter age. You can get lost in your 20s, the same as your 40s. There is no time to get lost entirely. Getting lost is hopeless, really distressing and confronting. Imagine someone who quit their hated job, finally abandoned a toxic relationship, and found themselves at their 35-year-old asking: 'I do not know what I want?'. Does this sound familiar?

For me, one of the most exciting people in the world is 'the lost people'. You might ask, why is this interesting? It is because there are so many possibilities for them. It is inspiring seeing them find their way.

But why do people find themselves lost one day? There won't be a clear explanation. We would think that a reason may be that we do not know how to live with freedom. We usually believe that we can deal with it, though we don't. Another time we compare with others’ success, and we see ourselves left behind. Sometimes, when we have so many options, it is hard to decide which one to take when we do not know what we want. Look at this example. If you show them 30 flavours of ice cream for those not confident, the choice will probably take a while. On the contrary, those who know who they are, also know their taste very well, answer quickly. Do you see the difference? Why do I think people who are lost are fascinating? Because choosing between those 30 flavours means trying new ones!

The problem is not getting lost. The problem is not finding our path again, trying all flavours and still not like anything. Maybe there wasn't a right path, and you were living a life you did not like. It is tough to abandon what we already know so well, although it is uncomfortable and miserable. Maybe we had everything we wanted, and we lost it, which is another way to miss ourselves.

So, how do we find a solution? When we get lost, we must know that the best way to find our path is to go back to the starting point. And this brings you up one more time to the coin, with its two faces. The one asking who am I?, where am I? What do I want? And then you will probably find emptiness on the other side.

Can you see that one thing is related to the other? All of these issues begin in the same place, inside you. As you can see, there is no way to run away from this fact. Either earlier or late, we must confront ourselves.

At that time, whatever your place is today, you might be struggling with some of these things somehow.

I have just shown you the most likely origin of these feelings, and a way to start to look for what you are looking for, which might be likely who you really are. Whatever happens to you, if you feel lost or feel void, you know that many professionals can help you. Still, you can start by asking yourself, reviewing what makes you sore, what is incongruent, examining your relationships, checking out the misunderstandings and the missed answers. All of this would help.

One day you must begin. Do not wait because nothing will come to rescue you, and the only thing that happens is time, and eventually, you get older.

I wish you the courage to find your path.




Alejo Cantelmi
Alejo Cantelmi
Jul 08, 2021

My good. I think you have hit the nail. At least mine.

Jul 08, 2021
Replying to

If it made you think about, I reached a goal. Thank you for your comment.



Jul 07, 2021

Very interesting👏❤


Holistic Psychoanalysis by Evelyn

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